Thursday, September 25, 2008

her name is ashton...

and she da shizznit! the bees knees! the most absolute fantabulous gr 8 bball player i know. she’ll put some of you ‘boys’ to shame or at least jump at the chance to try. this is her 3rd year playing, last year she was mvp for gr7 girls’ basketball and she’d probably kill me if she knew i was tellin’ y’all. anyway, jus a lil sumpin 'bout ma girl, the koolest kat ‘round. sorry kat, but thanks for the use of your name.

photo - rjmartin 2008

tha's ma girl!

she is utterly detested with this image. why, i don’t know. i think it’s absolutely awesome. i usually hear something along the lines of... “don't facebook that mom, pleeease!" or "i hate it! take it down!”

we were out one night riding just behind her school and i simply asked her to hold her bike up in front of her. i was counting on the lighting to work out just the way it did but the outcome was far better than what i had envisioned, i’m so much more than satisfied with this one. this was actually the second shot attempt at it though, she is so eager to pose for the cam but extremely impatient when it comes to waiting for me (or the photographer) to do their part.

p.s. i plan to enter this, as one of a few actually, into the photo life magazine’s image international photo contest, so wish me a little luck, eh! and check back here come march '09 for the contest results (regardless of my own placing). you just never know though!

photo - rjmartin 2008

solarize or sabatier?

sabatier? well, i call it solar- ization. always have. guess i’m just a lot older than most of you. or maybe i’ve just been out of the loop (so to speak) for a while. ‘cuz really, when the hell did it happen that the term ‘solarization’ became ‘sabatier’? i think i must have slept in that day. so anyway, one day i was speaking with someone and referring to solariz... um, i mean sabatier and was wondering if maybe i was completely mistaken in assuming that the term sabatier had replaced solarization and so had to find out for sure. i wiki’d the term solarization and double checked spelling for sabatier and found that solarization refers to something physicists call electromagnetic radiation; the changing of the colour of a material which has been exposed to high levels of untraviolet light. is it coincidence that sabatier is also a french chemist’s name---paul sabatier? he was the nobel prize winner for chemistry in 1912. i’m just curious.

photo - rjmartin 1994

Friday, September 12, 2008

ssshhhhh... it's a secret

what attracted me to photo- graphy? i was quite young and i think i fell into it by accident but what kept me there, or kept me wanting to be there was the fact that when i went out to shoot with that camera i was in 'my' world; where no one could tell me i was wrong, where no one could tell me what to do and where no one could dictate to me how and/or when to do anything! and yes, i am stubborn, always will be.

there are a few things i hope to get out of the next ten months here at prairieview. most importantly though are the networking opportunities that i have already started building on both professionally and otherwise. as well, having previously studied basic business, self employment and photography, i'm anxious to delve into the 'business of photography' portion of this course. other than that all i want to do is explore and experience photography as it meshes with my own artistic and creative abilities as much as possible.

ps - i love dogs. rottis, danes, shepherds, boerbels, weimers, mastiffs and pits to name just a few and when i watch 'dog whisperer with cesar milan' i sometimes cry. no joke!

photo - rjmartin 2008